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YxorP mission

Provide free
proxylists for safe anonymous web browsing.

everyone with manuals and software related to secure web surfing.
Guide net citizens to true online privacy.

Anonymity is
our Right!”


Technical problems of online privacy

The Internet did not craft with privacy in mind. Actualy, the protocols that provide the base underpinnings of the Net are inherently non-anonymous. It's just a simple matter of computers needing to know each other's addresses in order to exchange data. For example, our server can detect your IP address. Other parameters that a server can detect about you are your referrer (the site from which you are linking), the user-agent (the program you are using to browse the Web), and your operating system.

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Last articles

Yxorp ist ein Reverse-Proxy
Yxorp ist ein Reverse-Proxy für HTTP. Alle Felder werden können überprüft und geändert durch die Regeln. Load Balancing, Virtual Hosting, mehrere TCP-Ports und SSL unterstützt. Die Konfiguration kann geändert werden, on-line. Yxorp kann verwendet werden, um Web-Sites schützen, Ort Seiten hinter einem Login, rewrite URLs, etc.

Release Schwerpunkt: Erste freshmeat Ankündigung
YXORP is a reverse proxy server
SourceForge Logo

YXORP is a reverse proxy server protocol HTTP. The main focus of the YXORP checks the validity of the movement, ie what will be known as' application layer firewalling "or" secure reverse proxy server "in commercial products. You can check, verify and change almost nothing about the HTTP request and response, you can load balance, as well as all other normal reversed proxy . YXORP purposes in accordance with RFC 2616, RFC 2518, RFC 2109 and other applicable standards.

A stable release is available.

YXORP developed on Linux (both i386 and x86_64) and Solaris (Sparc and i386/x86_64), as well as the need to work on * BSD variants, including Mac OS X. (0)
yxorP is a free public trust

What is yxorP?

yxorP is a free public trust. This is a great service to give you for free. To use yxorP, simply enter your URL, and click "Go!"
Why should I use?

There are several compelling reasons for using yxorP:

      * Your right to anonymity - If you use a proxy Sensation, your information is kept private. When you travel, as a rule, Web sites can get information about you from your browser. They can not make it through yxorP.
      * Hidden IP-address - yxorP hides your IP-address of the sites to surf. Your IP-address can contain a large amount of information, including your location, language, and other information.
      * Advanced features - with the help of additional parameters of the link, you can control a lot of options on how you travel. This can be useful in order to hide your history, save time and improve safety, even more!
      * It's free! - Let us not forget that! :) (0)
[16.06.2008][Web Surfing]
4 Reasons to use Yxorp
Your right to anonymity
Hide IP Address
Alot of futures..
Другие YxorPы

Список ухорпов найденных мной в сети.
[13.03.2008][Web Surfing]
Краткий словарь основных Интернет терминов для начинающих

Краткий словарь основных Интернет терминов для начинающих
Альтернатива Google Adsense

Альтернатива Google Adsense

Веб Мастерам Рунета посвящается.

Думаю, всем известна система контекстной рекламы от компании Гугл, но в этой статье я расскажу не о ней. Не смотря на все плюсы google adsense, я так и не стал поклонником этой системы. Для проектов, которые не рассчитывают на глобальную перспективу по времени, не хотят быть забанеными за матное слово в комментариях своего форума, да и просто, для сторонников наших местных изделий, я расскажу об одной хитрой конторе.

[12.03.2008][Web Surfing]
Краткое описание протокола HTTP. Часть 1.
В статье кратко и понятно описывается протокол HTTP 1.1
[11.03.2008][Web Surfing]
Настройка браузера для работы через прокси
Настройка браузера для работы через прокси
(помощь в настройке, примеры)
[11.03.2008][Web Surfing]
Диапазоны IP адресов и коды стран. Часть 2.

Диапазоны IP адресов и коды стран. Часть 2.
Dedicated for proxy hunters/Охотникам на прокси посвящается

Security and Privacy news

Fresh proxy lists/免费代理名单
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